Michael Jackson

Incepe finalul – Verdict GUILTY

Juriul a anuntat Judecatorul ca au ajuns la un verdict in ceea ce-l priveste pe Murray.

In 2 ore avem verdictul.

ABC live acum.

Murray, sper sa ne vedem peste 4 ani!


A doua zi, 8 nov 2011

Avem asa:

Datorita faptului ca Murray nu a fost niciodata condamnat, iar in cadrul acestui proces s-a comportat exemplar (ce sa ceri de la un psihopat, right?) avem 2 prognosticuri sumbre:

1. executa JUMATATE din pedeapsa

2. si/sau e eliberat in custodie, sub arest la domiciliu

Pot sa fiu trista?

Michael Jackson

Murray’s show is in pre-production

Untitled Dr. Conrad Murray Documentary (2010)


Not yet released

(voting begins after release)

A documentary on the doctor who was placed under investigation in the wake of Michael Jackson’s death.

Stars: Conrad Murray


A documentary on the doctor who was placed under investigation in the wake of Michael Jackson’s death.

Synopsis: The trial of Dr. Conrad Murray coming to a courthouse near you. The players will include the body guards. The Chef and the children. Kenny Ortega & Travis Payne. AEG which hired the Dr. The Dr.’s financial status at the time of landing his dream job. His disappearance after the death an his refusal to sign the death certificate. Also the reasoning behind his omission on what drugs were administered to Michael Jackson.

This film will not discuss the conspiracies that are rampant out there. Who is Conrad Murray? Why was he selected as the Dr.? There are no spoiler alerts. And the cast will continue to increase as the trial progresses.

sursa: imdb